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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Breakfast Stockup Plan

Today I am cleaning out the freezer upstairs to make things easier to find. Since I have the deep freeze and the 2nd fridge freezer both downstairs, the freezer up here needs to really be free for daily need items, breakfast, etc. So I will be trying to organize that better today. Also need to figure out a better way to label bags so hubby can figure out what everything is!
Yesterday I baked up a batch of banana muffins with crumb topping, as I had 3 bananas on the counter BEGGING to be put into muffins. Ry loves these, but K just isn't all that into bananas, so a batch of Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins are probably in my future.
So right now we have waffles, pancakes, breakfast wraps, muffins, and I probably need to add 1 or two more things to the rotation. These boys get really bored fast! I'm always taking suggestions, if you have any ideas please post them in the comments section. I'm already pricing a waffle iron, thanks to one of my previous suggestions! ;)


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