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Monday, November 16, 2009

Tomato Avocado Salad

I crave fresh salads, vegetables and fruits all year round. Since I grow so many things fresh in my garden during the summer, it can be pretty rough making the transition in October and November back to store purchased tomatoes. You do find some yummy ones from time to time, and when this happens, I celebrate with a simple favorite- Tomato Avocado salad

3 ripe medium sized tomatoes, chopped ( I used romas)
2 avocados, peeled and diced
1/2t sea salt
2T lime juice
2T red wine vinegar
3T olive oil

Toss. Eat. Bliss.


Liz said...

Oh yum!!! This is definitely something I would love! Nothing better than tomatoes and avocados - 2 of my favorite foods. Never thought of adding red wine vinegar though. I think I just found my side dish for the steaks tomorrow!

Together We Save said...

Yummy!! I want to try this.


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