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Monday, April 12, 2010

Menu Plan Monday Week of 4/12

I spent the entire day in the kitchen yesterday, prepping foods for this week's menu, along with foods for the freezer. I got almost everything done that I wanted to, except for the applesauce muffins I had on my list. I will be making those this week, and will post the recipe.

Here's what I got done:

-buttermilk pancakes for the freezer

-3 bags of taco meat

-stock flavored rice for burritos this week

-4 containers of chicken stock

-4 bags of red beans for the freezer

-chicken marinated for tomorrow night and for freezer

-3lbs. of asparagus washed, trimmed, blanched, and frozen on a cookie sheet, then bagged

Here's the menu for the week. We feed 2 adults and 2 children... the cost for these 7 dinners is just over $31. I do price breakouts based on my costs, after sales, coupons, etc. Your costs may vary.


tacos $2.75

black bean soup (from freezer) $1.00

cantelope .90



grilled chicken w/ mushrooms over whole grain angel hair $3.00

salad .75



smoked brisket sandwiches (meat in freezer) $3.00

tater tots .50

cole slaw .75



red bean and cheese burritos $2.75

guacamole $2.00

fresh baked tortilla chips .40



hashbrown casserole with ham $3.00

broccoli .75


Saturday -

Whole Grain Penne w/ chicken and asparagus $3.50

salad .75



Philly Cheese Steak on Hoagies $3.50

bbq baked beans $1.50

fries .50



TJ said...

Sounds great! I love reading your menu plans and the prices. I'm really looking forward to warmer weather. That's when we always have plenty of free produce and we make good use of our grill.

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