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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Turkey Noodle Casserole

We got a much larger turkey than we needed at Thanksgiving, but I'm not one to eat 2 weeks of turkey. I'll burn out fast. So instead, I package up all the leftover turkey, put it in the deep freeze, and then use it once or twice a month until it's gone. Great way to stretch, and to not get so tired of turkey. You could also make this with chicken, or probably even tuna.

2 cups chopped cooked turkey
½ lb. of egg noodles, cooked .50
1 package frozen peas, thawed .80
1 can mushrooms, .40
1 can cream of mushroom soup .45
½ cup sour cream .25
¼ cup white cooking wine .25
1t garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
French fried onions for top .75

Heat oven to 375 degrees. In bowl, combine noodles, turkey, peas, mushrooms, soup, sour cream, wine and seasonings. Pour into greased baking dish. Bake 25 minutes. Add French fried onions to the top and bake an additional 5-10 minutes until golden and bubbly


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