I just checked the UPS tracking and it looks like my early birthday present is going to be here Monday!!
I am generally a pretty frugal person, as you know. I do however, have a couple of areas I am content to spend more on--- my hair, and my skin. With long hair that never seems to get enough moisture, I've found that I just can't use less expensive shampoos and conditioners. No matter how many times I try. It ends up causing my hair to get dry, break, and look frizzy, and I end up spending more money in the long run to fix it. Not to mention the time and frustration as healthy hair grows back in.
The same goes for my skin. My mother harped and harped on the importance of a good skin care routine, and now that she's 62 with gorgeous skin, I'm a believer. I know many women who can use drugstore products with great success. Just like my hair, though, they just don't work out for me. (Except for the Burt's Bees Acne Wash- loove that stuff). I am okay with spending more if I end up with skin like my mom. I have the genetic part down, just need to make sure I equal the skin care part. :)
I have been drooling over this Clarisonic system for more than a year. People who have it RAVE about it. It cleans your skin far better, and helps clean out pores, which is major for me, as I still battle very mild acne from time to time. Allegedly it helps your moisturizers and serums work better, and I've seen many reviews that say their products stretch farther because they need less. I'm all about that!
So Monday I'm going to do something horrifying...let hubby take an up close picture of my face and pores without makeup! ACK! That way I can use it for a week, and then have him take new pictures so I can compare. I'll share the results with you. I am looking forward to the mad experiment! :)
I am so jealous. I have a little problem with exfoliation - meaning I want to reach dermis when I do it. :D I can't wait to see the results!!
bahahahaha!!! well, I guess you can live vicariously through me when I reach dermis ;P
of course you're going to have to sit through the "before" pictures first.
I'm sorry. :)
You are a brave woman! Enjoy!
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