Starting 3/8 my workday will be changing. In so many ways it will be better. I will get to sleep in later since I will be going in around 7:30 or 8am instead of 4am. That also means I will get to stay up like a big girl at night and not be a wreck by 8pm. At work, the shift in my position will allow more focus on big picture items, which is awesome. I have, though, been quite spoiled by being home by 3 or 4 every afternoon. It has made mealtime with the family very easy. Going forward, it's more likely that I won't be home until 5 or 6, so I am going to need to start planning ahead. We've done so well at cutting fast food and processed foods out of our diet, and I want to make sure the change in schedule doesn't affect that.
I will be doing more OAMC and make ahead meals, plus utilizing hubby to help get things started before I get home.
This week I will be in practice mode. Tomorrow's dinner is cooking in the crockpot tonight. Monday and Tuesday I will be working on the chicken enchiladas and the stock for the chicken noodle soup. Hubby will have the smoker for Saturday's meal fired up on Friday, so I'll be cooking up a storm I'm sure over the weekend for the week ahead.
Monday 2/22
pot roast w/ potatoes and carrots $4.30
spinach and apple salad $1.00
Tuesday 2/23
pierogies w/ smoked sausage $3.75
coleslaw .75
Wednesday 2/24
chicken enchiladas $3.25
red beans and rice $1.00
corn .50
Tursday 2/25
spaghetti $3.25
green beans .50
salad .75
Friday 2/26
chicken noodle soup $2.25
grilled cheese $2.00
Saturday 2/27
smoked pork butt $2.50
roasted potatoes .75
salad .75
Sunday 2/28
pizza night $4.00
salad .75
sounds like a yummy week. $4 pizza sounds near impossible to find?
that's because I make from scratch!
yeast- .35
flour- .30
salt- .01
oil- .10
sauce 1.00
cheese 1.00
bacon 1.00
onion .20
okay...$3.96 LOL
I would love to be able to sleep in. I'm still having to be up at 4:30am. Ugh!
It's so funny that sleeping in has become 7 or 8am! That was early wen I was a kid. I miss sleeping in till 10-12. My kids wont have any of that though. My husband is in the waking up before the sun camp too. He's normally up by 3:30am. Why do they(employers) have to come up with such strange hours?
Great, budget-wise menu!
Hi Michelle ! Thanks for stopping by my blog !! Sounds like you live a pretty busy life ... but you seem to have it well under control ! Good on ya !!
Way to go cutting out the fast food and processed foods! I love that your menu sounds yummy, healthy, and it's affordable too.
I always giggle when I read "pork butt" tastes so good, and really needs a better name.
Love to view your menus and get ideas for better priced meals!
At Top Foods/Haggen's bought Freschetta Self-Rising Combination Pizza today, $4.99 - $1.25 coupon = $3.74. :)
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